Rock The Casbah

Our glorious Prime Minister has for sometime harboured delusions of grandeur extending to it seems military heroism (young Australian soldiers doing the heroic part but Mr Abbott taking the praise of course).  Remember in November of 2014 he had put forward a plan to send 3500 Special Services troops unilaterally to Iraq to fight ISIS?  Well now he wants to bomb the bejesus out of Syria in the hope that a few measly sorties of F-14 fighters will have any effect on what amounts to a regional civil war.  A civil war that will last at least 20 more years.

Mr Abbott today denied that he had ever put forward such plans to do an Alamo type crusade against ISIS forces.  The bombing of Syria is a smoke screen, the last refuge of the scoundrel, the patriotic declaration of war on anyone or anything that can support his rhetoric…his philosophy of fear.

Poor Tony is on very shaky ground and it looks increasingly likely that he will not lead his party to the next election in 2016.  He is seen by everyman/woman I speak to as a complete nincompoop, a kind of George W Bush of Australian politics, who strangely has no one willing to admit that they voted for him, even though many must or he wouldn’t be our Prime Minister today.

The corporate shysters who sell weapons to both sides and the newspaper moguls who need dead children and beheadings to sell news stories are rolling in sordid profits because such propaganda creates exactly the results they want.

But then the ruling class has a way of dragging the rest of us into conflicts we didn’t know were important until they told us so. 

It’s high time we stopped believing the bullshit.

By Leo O’Hagan

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