Ed Rev

Ed Rev – Education Revolution centres around the much maligned concept that the current education system is flawed.

It needs to be replaced with something that fits the new world we live in not the victorian/Edwardian models that are failing to align with the newest forms of communication from mentor to student.  Attempts are being made to meld the use of internet communication into an old system and the process is slow and painful.  Generation Z is being held back by the very parents and teachers who claim they want their children to ready for the rest of their lives.  They are smarter than we were at the same age(theoretically this is the same for every new generation although there are historical precedents for the stagnation of education), more advanced philosophically, introduced by the internet to communication within their generation on a global scale totally new in world history.  We need to trust them more and allow them to explore and discover without the restraints that former educators see as necessary discipline.

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