Going South

The Swan Newspaper is going south…specifically the South West of Western Australia….

Motorbike Frog

Margs people or ‘Margites’ as I affectionately call them will get a…

Saint Pastuer

Travelling companions aren’t always pleasant. If you are forced to sit beside…

MR Soup Kitchen

A bunch of really special people start chopping and slicing at the…

Cow Bullshed

The Cowaramup Bullshed is the ‘Men Shed’ for the Margaret River region….

Irving Penn

Irving Penn began his career with Vogue in 1943, and over fifty…

What a Gas

The following jewel of self experimentation with mind-warping laughing gas, is in…

Samuel Colt

Born in Hartford, Connecticut on 19 July 1814, Samuel Colt was only…


Albert Robida was a French illustrator, etcher, lithographer, caricaturist, and novelist. He…

First Sculpture

Considered to be the first sculpture ever found. The Venus of Brassempouy…

Yukio Mishima

Excerpt from Confessions of a Mask By Yukio Mishima In the woodblock…